The Salvation Army Spokane will hold a Christmas Burst-A-Bus Toy Drive on Saturday, December 4 from 8 am to 8 pm at Target North Spokane, 9770 N Newport Hwy.
The Salvation Army will have volunteers at Target all day to collect new, unwrapped gifts for local children, newborns to age 18, as there are many families hurting due to the lasting impact of COVID-19, as well as other personal tragedies in their lives. To participate, customers can simply purchase one or more items and drop them off at The Salvation Army’s toy bins that day. For gift ideas, or if you can’t make it to Target, please visit Salvation Army’s wish lists through Target link here or Amazon here, and items will be shipped to them for distribution!
You can also securely donate cash online through the virtual Red Kettle Campaign for The Salvation Army of Spokane HERE.